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This is a nourishing oil enriched with vegetable oils that nourish and(...)
Scented Rice Powder (peach) Turn the lid of the packet to t(...)
The Pre-Depilatory Toner soothes and refreshes the skin before applyin(...)
Papain - Papain is an enzyme that comes from the papaya fruit and acts(...)
Fine texture epilatory wax. Fine waxes dry faster, this for(...)
Depilatory wax with an intermediate texture. Intermediate w(...)
Depilatory wax with a pasty texture. The waiting time for p(...)
Suitable for wax equipment with an internal diameter of the melter bow(...)
Intermediate texture epilatory wax - Intermediate waxes do not dry qui(...)
Fine texture epilatory wax - Fine waxes dry faster, this forces the pr(...)
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